Welcome to the future, welcome to the ideal environment of learning. The Supportive culture, infrastructure and academic excellence, with a vibrant and fascinating life outside the classrooms, make Naman Vidya a truly worthy place to learn.
Daily Quotes : "A man may die, nations may rise and fall, but an idea lives on." -- Albert Einstein
Daily Quotes : "A man may die, nations may rise and fall, but an idea lives on." -- Albert Einstein

One of the best CBSE Xth (2015-16) Results in India. * Out of a batch of 92 students, 31 students scored perfect 10 CGPA & 11 students have scored 9.8 CGPA. * School Average CGPA is 9.30 , which is one of the highest in the country. Since 1st batch the school average CGPA stands amongst the best in the country.
Academic performance of all classes in 2015-16 is outstanding. It shows continuous improvement in average student academic performance and Remarkable Decline in the Number of Under-Achievers.