Hygiene Food – A well-balanced, healthy, vegetarian diet prepared under the supervision of a qualified nutritionist will be served in a well-designed central dining hall to all the students along with the teaching staff and their spouses. Rooms- The rooms in the residential blocks have been so designed to ensure adequate daylight, natural ventilation and comfortable conditions with attached bathrooms. |
Experienced House Warden – Special care has been taken to appoint House Wardens who would be able to play the role of a parent and a mentor. Study Hall - All the students will be able to complete their studies in a study hall - a large room in the boarding house designed to provide each student with ample study space and storage areas for books and projects. The study hall will be supervised by the teachers. Common Rooms – Each house contains a student common room with comfortable lounge furniture, television, table tennis and indoor games facilities. |
Counseling – An experienced counselor has been appointed to provide counseling services to, students, who may experience mild learning difficulties. Well- Balanced Routine - Boarders will be provided a well-balanced, challenging working environment during the week as well as on week-ends. The idea is to ensure disciplining of the body, mind and soul. Medical Facilities and treatments – The school has an infirmary manned by a well qualified nurse. Panels of doctors are consultants to the school. A dentist, orthodontist and ophthalmologist are also on the panel and each conducts an annual check for the entire school, followed by clinic visits as and when required. |
Weekdays Routine Saturday Routine Sunday Routine |